The Healthy Living Mini-Grant provides up to $2,500 to make your health projects come to life!

Who Can Apply?
Eligible organizations are:
- Nonprofit organizations in the following categories: faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, and childcare centers (Tax-exempt organizations under Sections 501(c)(3) or 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code and units of government.)
- Public Schools and universities
- Government entities
**All applicant must read the FULL Grant overview with requirements before applying**
Closed for this grant cycle.
What Areas Should Projects Focus On?
Projects must focus on one (or more) of these seven topics:
- Active Living (Physical Activity)
- Community Gardens
- Tobacco-Free Living
- Healthy Food Access
- Healthy Eating
- Breastfeeding\ Chestfeeding Support
- Overall Wellness
Looking For Ideas
Click below for information about past awardees and projects.
Need Help?
Eligible organizations can get help with:
- Grant basics and questions
- Creating tobacco prevention and policies
- Designing Lactation-friendly rooms and policies
Feel free to reach out by email: or phone (512) 972-5640 to set-up a meeting before you apply.
Are there things this money cannot be used for?
Funds Can Not be used for:
- Activities outside of the City of Austin and/or Travis County
- Food or drinks, except if used for teaching or educational purposes, such as a cooking demonstration
- Awards, cash prizes, gift cards, contributions, or donations
- Community Refrigerators
- One-time event projects (such as health fairs, marathons)
- Medications, supplements, and medical equipment (Excluding AEDs and breast pumps)
- Direct Health Care Services and care
- Operating costs not part of this project /indirect cost
- Travel costs including gas and mileage